“Everything I learned from the workshop was gold to me. I enjoyed all the sessions and the new skills I acquired in creating a digital story (...) about a scar. A scar that my primary duty bearers believed was necessary to have in order to be labeled as the “purified”...
Date: August 24th Time: 12 noon PDT, 3 PM EDT (U.S.) Registration link: https://bit.ly/Voices2022Screening On Wednesday, August 24th at 12 noon PDT / 3 PM EDT, Sahiyo will host a screening of the newest Voices to End FGM/C videos, which were developed through Sahiyo and StoryCenter’s Spring 2022 workshop with...
From April 10 to 12, Sahiyo co-founder Mariya Taher attended Reconference, a three-day conference hosted by CREA, to address today’s most challenging socio-political issues and their intersections with feminism, art, and technology by rethinking, reimagining, and rebooting how to build an inclusive feminist vision of justice. Sahiyo Stories, a digital storytelling project...
By Renee Bergstrom, EdD On January 30, 2019, I presented the workshop: Patient Engagement through Brief Focused Videos featuring the Sahiyo Stories at the Academy of Communication in Healthcare (ACH) Winter Course in Scottsdale, Arizona. ACH endeavors to promote empathy and better communication among health care providers, patients and families. I prepared throughout my...
by Maryah Haidery Recently on Facebook, I noted that real social change usually happens when people are good enough to care about doing the right thing, thoughtful enough to figure out the best ways to do it, and brave enough to actually go through with it. On December 4th, in Washington...
On October 19 in Oakland, California, Sahiyo, in collaboration with StoryCenter, Asian Women’s Shelter, Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence hosted a screening of Sahiyo Stories that included a behind the scenes short film documenting the women’s experiences in creating their digital stories. Sahiyo Stories involved bringing together nine women from across the United States...
By Maryah Haidery Last December I participated in a Sahiyo activist retreat where I learned the unique power that storytelling has to teach, stimulate, and inspire audiences while offering the storyteller a sense of empowerment and catharsis. That’s why I was excited to reunite with some of the brave women I met on...