Posts Tagged: screening

Please join Sahiyo, Asian Women's Shelter, and Silence Speaks for an online screening premiere of new work from Voices to End FGM/C! We'll share nine videos, offer an overview of our participatory storytelling methodology, and facilitate a Q&A session with some of the storytellers whose work will be showcased. Date:...

We invite you to join our interactive discussion on the Voices to End FGM/C digital storytelling project. This project is mobilizing a critical mass of storytellers and activists from across the globe by bringing people together to share and heal from their experiences of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), connect and...

On October 19 in Oakland, California, Sahiyo, in collaboration with StoryCenter, Asian Women’s Shelter, Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence hosted a screening of Sahiyo Stories that included a behind the scenes short film documenting the women’s experiences in creating their digital stories. Sahiyo Stories involved bringing together nine women from across the United States...

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