Voices in the Media

Releasing my unspoken words

By Anam

I like to hear stories because they help me understand people. Sometimes, they help me understand myself. So, when I heard storytellers talk about their experience with female genital mutilaiton (FGM), I thought about my own. The Voices to End FGM/C digital Sstorytelling workshop helped me put into words a story I have been holding on to myself. 

I chose to tell the story that I did in the workshop because I know that I am not the only one who is holding on to unspoken words. I hope others see themselves in my story and know that they are not alone. We have similar lived experiences. 

I chose to be anonymous to tell my story because although the story involves me and others around me, I do not want the story to be used as a vehicle to judge me or show me pity. I want those hearing my story to know that the impact of female genital cutting (FGC) is lifelong. The trauma and shame follow me like a shadow.

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