FGM Toolkit – an educational tookit for serice providers and survivors created by The George Washington University Milken Institutue School of Public Health, RAHMA, and Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation.
Sahiyo resources – Sahiyo has produced various resoures over the years including a toolkit for sensitive reporting by media on FGM/C, research on FGM/C and more.
US End FGM/C Network – a collaborative group of survivors, civil society organizations, foundations, activists, policymakers, researchers, healthcare providers, and others committed to promoting the abandonment of female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C) in the U.S. and around the world.
Global Platform For Action to End FGM/C – a consortium of civil society organizations, champions, survivors, and grassroots representatives united in a singular mission: to support the abandonment and prevention of female genital mutilation/cutting.
Webinars Featuring Voices Alumni:
Voices to End FGM/C
Voices to End FGM/C is mobilizing a critical mass of storytellers and activists from across the globe by bringing them together to share and heal from female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), connect and grow as leaders, and create short videos calling for an end to this harmful practice.