Voices to End FGM/C 2022: Spring Cohort Video Screening
Date: August 24th
Time: 12 noon PDT, 3 PM EDT (U.S.)
Registration link: https://bit.ly/Voices2022Screening
On Wednesday, August 24th at 12 noon PDT / 3 PM EDT, Sahiyo will host a screening of the newest Voices to End FGM/C videos, which were developed through Sahiyo and StoryCenter’s Spring 2022 workshop with survivors of and advocates against female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). In addition to viewing these eight poignant stories, attendees will get the chance to hear from some of the storytellers themselves about their work and journey.
“I have always wanted to tell my story so that I can tell another survivor ‘you are not alone,’ and I hope by educating others, by extension I can help save their daughters. After watching a couple of Sahiyo stories, I knew I needed to be one of the storytellers. I am so grateful for the opportunity accorded to me.”
– Maryan, Voices to End FGM/C 2022 Spring Cohort Storyteller
The Voices to End FGM/C Project is a digital storytelling project created by StoryCenter and Sahiyo that aims to mobilize a critical mass of storytellers and activists from across the globe. Voices brings people together to share and heal from their experiences of FGM/C, connect and grow as leaders in their own communities, and create short videos calling for an end to this harmful practice.
For those who are interested, we are also accepting applications for our Fall 2022 Voices to End FGM/C workshop. Apply here.